Make sure
your signature
is secure
YumiSign electronic signature security
Security by design
Risk and security were integrated during YumiSign electronic signature's design and throughout the life cycle of the platform.
User access
YumiSign integrates a range of user authentication solutions to secure access to your account.
Audit trails
For evidence purpose, YumiSign generates a summary of each action created during a signature workflow.
Hosted in Europe
YumiSign and all associated data is hosted in Europe in compliance with GDPR regulation
Cryptographic & Authentication processes
All documents signed via YumiSign in ‘Advanced Signature Mode’ (i.e. handwritten signature) are time-stamped and cryptographically sealed after completion.
(for advanced signature only)
Cryptographic Seal
The cryptographic seal ensures a document cannot be altered after its finalization. In practice, the seal allows anyone to verify the authenticity of a document on the long term.
Certificate Authority
To verify a document’s authenticity in Adobe Acrobat Reader or any other PDF reader, you just need to trust the RCDevs Root Certificate Authority.
Trusting YumiSign document sealing is very simple: Click on Download RCDevs Root Certificate Authority and follow the steps to install the RCDevs Root Certificate Authority in your computer’s trusted certificate list.